akya has helped leading companies to obtain authorization of the Mexican Anti-Trust Authority (Comisión Federal de Competencia Económica or COFECE) in relation with the acquisition of competitors. We work in coordination with specialized law firms that typically lead the Concentration Notification and the request for its authorization. Our main role consists in defining and performing all market-share and other analyses required, taking into consideration all relevant aspects in terms of local markets, product/service categories, competitive and substitute offerings, etc. Always abiding by technical rigor, existing norms and COFECE´s guidelines, we aim to rapidly focus the analysis and discussion with the Authority in the subset of local markets, categories and segments that merit such heed.
As examples in this space, we have helped define, develop and submit for regulatory approval all the antitrust analyses for:
A leading department store group in the acquisition of over 50 points of sale of a competing chain
A leading microfinance institution in analyzing the resulting market share and calculating concentration indexes by product, location and income level of the clientele, in the context of the acquisition of a specialized credit operation